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A nivel mundial el espacio rural está experimentando un proceso continuo de reestructuración. Durante los últimos años, mercados crecientes alrededor de la provisión de alimentos, biocombustibles y otros recursos naturales o ‘servicios ambientales’ han sido asociados a dinámicas de adquisición de ...

Meeting of the Steering Commitee The Land Matrix Steering Committee met in Rome in November (15 through 17). The meeting was attended by members of the different focal points and representatives of the funding institutions. Coordination was provided by ILC (International Land Coalition)....

Established in 2010, the ILC’s Rangelands Initiative facilitates learning between, and provides technical support to government and other actors working to make rangelands more tenure secure. Coordinated and supported globally by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the initiative works through ILC members in Africa,...