How to colaborate

Con pasantes para trabajar con cualquiera de los miembros

Aportando fondos a la Plataforma o a cualquiera de sus miembros

Como voluntario, realizando estudios, investigaciones, etc.

Si está interesado en colaborar de estas o de cualquier otra manera le pedimos que se comunique con nosotros.

Our work

We seek to strengthen the capacities and the outreach of the civil society organizations and government organizations present in the semi-arid regions of Venezuela, Brazil, the Dry Corridor of Central America and Tri-national Chaco (Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina) in order to drive political processes linked to the recognition of the tenure rights and equitable access to land, water and other natural resources.

The platform encourages the participation of women and youth organizations in order to guarantee a higher gender equity. Along these lines, it is sought that the experiences recorded in the database, the systematizations, the innovation plans and the suggestions for their impact on public policies take this dimension into account.

The involvement of public and private stakeholders allowing the development of a better coordinated action in favor of the creation of policies boosting all this process through intercultural dialog is also considered of strategic importance.

Lines of action


We incorporate and put together policies, programs, projects and strategies of the civil society and the State which promote the land management of the semi-arid areas taking into account the rights of the people living there.

We create the conditions for the enlarged dialog with cultural affiliation and relevance between the representatives of the State and the civil society, in order to reach agreements including the expectations of all the stakeholders.

We encourage the empowerment of the organizations of indigenous, peasant, rural women and youth communities, strengthening their abilities to defend their rights; particularly those related to tenure rights and equitable access to land, natural resources and natural assets and to equal opportunities.

We suggest and support policies for rural sanitation and land tenure regularization in the Northeast of Brazil, in the Dry Corridor of Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua) and in the American Chaco (Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia).

We sponsor and disseminate research and information of local know-how from a multidisciplinary and intercultural perspective.


FUNDAPAZ is promoting before public and private organizations a road map taking care of the need of access to water for consumption and production, in the semi-arid Chaco region. Work is also being carried out in the geo-referenced survey of water based on all the information available in communities, native families or headquarters of indigenous or peasant organizations.


The Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de Tarija (CERDET), together with the Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA), will coordinate a diagnostic study on the use and availability of water in the Bolivian Chaco, within two Community lands of Weenhayek and Guarani origin. This study will allow the organization and mobilization of the population in order to negotiate their proposals before local governments.


Within the framework of the program “A Million Cisterns”, in the last 20 years ASA Brazil has developed a significant training program on access to water management in Brazilian semi-arid area. This work, which also includes actions with public impact, is being taken as a model by other regions of the Platform depending on their own needs and works.


As a result of a long process of conciliation and dialog between indigenous women and youth organizations from Chaco, in October 2015 the ‘Plataforma de Mujeres y Jóvenes Indígenas del Chaco paraguayo (PMJI-Chacopy) [Platform of indigenous women and youth from Chaco] was created. This process is backed and supported by Pro Comunidades Indígenas (PCI), OXFAM, and the Semiarid Platform in order to promote access to water.


Acción Campesina is implementing a rural development project in peasant communities of the district of Urdaneta, parish of Siquisique, in the State of Lara. At production level, the project seeks to enhance training in housed goats’ management; to foster animal’s genetic improvement; to improve water supply through the construction of wells and the protection of the mini-watersheds supplying irrigation lagoons.

Regional actions

Within the framework of the meeting of the South American members of the Semiarid Platform called Land and Water Access and Management: Effective Occupancy of Lands Belonging to Indigenous and Peasant Communities held from 11 to 15 July in Salta, Argentina, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs and Community Development of Salta in order to take drinking water to the area of Chaco salteño.
The agreement considers the creation of the Coordination and Action Committee for Water Access and Management in the Chaco Salteño, an area of public-private dialog which will seek to strengthen the processes of effective occupancy of those lands legally recognized, contributing to the reduction of poverty and food insecurity in the region.